Thursday, March 3, 2011


As most of you know I have taken up the staff of Property Manager of the Willie's property until someone else, or something else can be done.  As we are all aware, there are 9 pieces of property and 3 other types of investments that are currently in Willie's portfolio.  Much of this property requires maintenance, caretaking and abstract thinking to come up with ways of producing an income to continue to pay property taxes, insurance, upkeep and still provide a living to the head of Willie's (Mom) and pay for material and labor.  It's been an interesting three years for me.  Mom asked me the other day, "Are you keeping track of what you've done for the Willie family, have you taken pictures?"  And, I had taken some pictures but I had not really thought about keeping track of what I've done for the Willie family, let alone the savings for Willie's.  So, to satisfy anyone's curiosity I put together a list of what I can remember and compared it to some bids we'd received over the years of some of the work I've performed.  So, here is the list of what I can remember:
                                                         Actual w/labor cost               Contractor cost                   Savings
1- Ramp on garage at Buckskin      $1280.00                               $3890.00                          $2610.00
2- Brick work & fountain               $1675.00                               $6400.00                          $4725.00
3- Bedroom/Front room                $22,300.00                            $46,800.00                       $24,500.00
4- Kitchen/Door painting               $240.00                                  $650.00                            $410.00
5- Bridge                                      $6890.00                                $14,700.00                       $7810.00
6- Sewer line                                $2900.00                                 $7800.00                         $4900.00
7- Deck on cabin                         $6800.00                                  $15,900.00                     $9100.00
8- Cabin remodel                         $2950.00                                  $6600.00                       $3650.00
9- Culvert                                    $1800.00                                  $5800.00                       $4000.00
10- Fence painting                       $350.00                                    $800.00                         $450.00
11- Storage units                         $160,000.00                             $280,000.00                 $120,000.00

This is just a partial list of what I can remember and what I have prices on from Contractors we talked to prior to doing some of the stuff.  Remember that this does not include cutting wood, fence repairs, minor house and property repairs, does not include the $4000.00 house remodel I did that would have cost well over $10,000 that we rented out that sits on Aurthur Avenue next to the Pitstop that I was told could not be repaired and/or rented out, this house has been now rented out for over a year at $500.00 per month covering the cost of repair plus.  So, the point here being that someone, somewhere needs to perform these duties and it might as well be one of us.  It saves the family money for one, and provides a job to someone in the family for another.  Another reason I put this list up is to alleviate the jealousy or hard feelings that some people may have.  If anyone has a problem they should be willing to voice their concerns at the quarterly or family meetings and I wish they would.    Just from this list above there is over $180,000.00 worth of savings that would have cost the family.  This is by far double what I've been paid for doing my job for Willie's LLC and I've increased at least on paper the property values at least $180,000 to $240,000.00 depending upon appraisal value.  But, the Burley property has definitely increased in value well over $100,000.00 from what we could have got before the storage units were built.  So, in a nut shell this is my job, to manage the property for Willie's and to increase it's net worth over that which is paid to me.  I feel I am doing a good job.  I hope that if anyone feels differently they will voice their opinions at the meetings.  Thanks, DJ.  Or, voice your opinion on this blog, that's what it is for.

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