Thursday, March 3, 2011


As most of you know I have taken up the staff of Property Manager of the Willie's property until someone else, or something else can be done.  As we are all aware, there are 9 pieces of property and 3 other types of investments that are currently in Willie's portfolio.  Much of this property requires maintenance, caretaking and abstract thinking to come up with ways of producing an income to continue to pay property taxes, insurance, upkeep and still provide a living to the head of Willie's (Mom) and pay for material and labor.  It's been an interesting three years for me.  Mom asked me the other day, "Are you keeping track of what you've done for the Willie family, have you taken pictures?"  And, I had taken some pictures but I had not really thought about keeping track of what I've done for the Willie family, let alone the savings for Willie's.  So, to satisfy anyone's curiosity I put together a list of what I can remember and compared it to some bids we'd received over the years of some of the work I've performed.  So, here is the list of what I can remember:
                                                         Actual w/labor cost               Contractor cost                   Savings
1- Ramp on garage at Buckskin      $1280.00                               $3890.00                          $2610.00
2- Brick work & fountain               $1675.00                               $6400.00                          $4725.00
3- Bedroom/Front room                $22,300.00                            $46,800.00                       $24,500.00
4- Kitchen/Door painting               $240.00                                  $650.00                            $410.00
5- Bridge                                      $6890.00                                $14,700.00                       $7810.00
6- Sewer line                                $2900.00                                 $7800.00                         $4900.00
7- Deck on cabin                         $6800.00                                  $15,900.00                     $9100.00
8- Cabin remodel                         $2950.00                                  $6600.00                       $3650.00
9- Culvert                                    $1800.00                                  $5800.00                       $4000.00
10- Fence painting                       $350.00                                    $800.00                         $450.00
11- Storage units                         $160,000.00                             $280,000.00                 $120,000.00

This is just a partial list of what I can remember and what I have prices on from Contractors we talked to prior to doing some of the stuff.  Remember that this does not include cutting wood, fence repairs, minor house and property repairs, does not include the $4000.00 house remodel I did that would have cost well over $10,000 that we rented out that sits on Aurthur Avenue next to the Pitstop that I was told could not be repaired and/or rented out, this house has been now rented out for over a year at $500.00 per month covering the cost of repair plus.  So, the point here being that someone, somewhere needs to perform these duties and it might as well be one of us.  It saves the family money for one, and provides a job to someone in the family for another.  Another reason I put this list up is to alleviate the jealousy or hard feelings that some people may have.  If anyone has a problem they should be willing to voice their concerns at the quarterly or family meetings and I wish they would.    Just from this list above there is over $180,000.00 worth of savings that would have cost the family.  This is by far double what I've been paid for doing my job for Willie's LLC and I've increased at least on paper the property values at least $180,000 to $240,000.00 depending upon appraisal value.  But, the Burley property has definitely increased in value well over $100,000.00 from what we could have got before the storage units were built.  So, in a nut shell this is my job, to manage the property for Willie's and to increase it's net worth over that which is paid to me.  I feel I am doing a good job.  I hope that if anyone feels differently they will voice their opinions at the meetings.  Thanks, DJ.  Or, voice your opinion on this blog, that's what it is for.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Daily Log of work performed for Willie's Investments, LLC

2009 re-cap:
2009 was a very busy year. Remodeled the inside of the ranch cabin, installed new flooring in the kitchen, front entry way and new indoor/outdoor carpeting. Then starting in June till the snow began to fly I and Shelby built or added onto the current deck at the cabin and installed a roof. In between building the deck I also spent a considerable amount of time removing all of the old sewer pipe from the Buckskin property and installed new. This re-cap of course does not include all the day-to-day work needed to upkeep all of the properties owned. But, as far as money saved by me doing the work an estimate would be somewhere in around $20,000 to $30,000. I figure the deck would have cost an extra $10,000+ to have someone else build it. The sewer line would have been at least $10,000+ or so, whereas the actual cost with my wages was around $2600 and this included all the parts necessary to complete the job. A new roof was also installed on the house on Buckskin, a job that I could not get to, thus outside help along with Jimmy was necessary to complete this job. Keegan and I did haul all the shingles away using the Companies dump truck, this was a big job in itself and probably saved the Company at least $2000. Getting back to the estimated savings for 2009, the deck, the sewer line was estimated above, the remodeling job I believe we saved at least $3000. Ok, moving on to 2010.


As many of you know, we had a meeting to see what we can do to increase the income from the current properties owned, in that meeting we talked about many different ideas. The one prevailing was to scrape and clear off Burley Drive and build storage units on it. So, today is February 9, 2010 and thus far I have spent the over a month working with the City of Chubbuck, preparing to obtain building permits, in getting prices for building, cement, fence, gates, ect. Matt Willie has been a big help in clearing the property of trees, outbuildings and the trailer, this brings us up to speed to the day and now I will outline what was done today and from herein out, as I am able:

Feb. 08, 2010 -

Began work at 8 a.m.:

Nancy from Austin Building systems called and reiterated that I needed to print off the information she'd sent via email to me, sign it and fax it back to her so they can complete the engineered drawings. Went to the Buckskin property and spoke with Mom concerning the Burley drive project, left and was on the site by 9:30 a.m. Immediately I drove the loaded down dump truck to the dump. Upon arriving at the dump, approximately 10 a.m. I was informed that I was NOT allowed at the dump until a $69.68 cent Personal Property Tax was paid! I was pissed, I begged the lady to let me dump the load and then I would go and see the stupid tax was paid. She flatly refused and said she'd call the Sheriff if I didn't heed her words. I couldn't believe the idiocy of both the lady and the people that must have called her to NOT allow me in. I went as far as I dared with her, to the point where she was saying she'd lose her job if she let me go dump the load before paying the pathetic tax, I looked inside of her trailer where she works and all around and said, "I don't see anyone that is going to know, and I won't tell anyone. Just let me dump it and I'll go pay and bring a receipt!" She evidently was scared by her Supervisor so bad that she refused to see the logic in my request and thus she stood her pathetic ground. So, I spent the next 3 hours of Willie's Investments time and money fixing the problem, just so I could return to the dump and continue the REAL job at hand. Whew! What a bunch of Gestapo B.S.! Anyhow, arrived back at the site around 1 p.m. filled the dump truck. Had lunch at 2 p.m. till 2:30, came back went to the dump again and arrived back at the site by 4 p.m. had to put fuel in the dump truck counting for the extra time spent in the transit. Worked on the site till 6:30.

Feb. 09, 2010 - Began working at 8:30 a.m. this morning, my first order of tasks was to call and arrange to take a Soil Conservation Class at ISU, a necessary class now from anyone doing any type of construction work in Pocatello, or Chubbuck, personally I think it is a waste of our $45 and of my time, but I don't see any way around it in order to obtain the permits, so I forge ahead, the class is now set for March 4th, 2010 from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. , I had called Natalie from ISU to schedule this class. Next, I went to Kinko's to fax off some papers to Austin Building systems to a lady by the name of Nancy, again this is necessary so we can obtain the engineered drawings of the building and cement plans needed for the city meeting now set for April 6th, 2010 at the city of Chubbuck building. Next I went and had a new chain installed on the chain saw, seeing how we wore the last one out in cutting the trees and wood from the trailer house and other wood products that are on the piece of property. Arrived on site by 9:30, filled the dump truck, made a deal with the neighbor (Tony and his wife) to drop two trees leaning over their property onto their property by removing their fence and then re-installing the fence. After falling the trees had to bring them back across the property and cut them up and burn the branches saving the burnable parts to haul off the property. Had to get fencing material to finish this part of the job. Ate lunch while I was picking up fence material (1/2 hr. approx.) Spent considerable time myself in cutting part of the trailer frame while Matt finished fixing the fence and then he and Sophia helped in loading the dump truck all the way and putting the tarp on (if we do not put a tarp on the Garbage dump charges us an extra $10 per load, ridiculous I know, but that's their stupid rules so it cost us extra time to put the tarp on) Left the site around 6:30 p.m.